DECEMBER 12, 2017 – 7:00 P.M.
1. Meeting opened by Mayor Dana E. Outlaw. Prayer Coordinated by Mayor Outlaw. Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Roll Call.
Consent Agenda
3. Approve Minutes.
Minutes from the regular meeting on November 28, 2017 are provided for review and approval.
4. Consider Adopting a Resolution to Initiate the Upset Bid Process for 508 Third Avenue.
(Ward 2) An offer in the amount of $2,500.00 has been received from Tonyah L. Dillahunt for the purchase of 508 Third Avenue. The property is owned solely by the City of New Bern, having been acquired in 2011 as part of a CDBG program to realign Third Avenue. The offer represents approximately 62.50% of the tax value, which is $4,000.00. If the offer is accepted, it will be advertised as required by law to initiate the upset bid process. If no other bids are received and the property is sold for the initial offer, the City will receive approximately $2,300.00 after paying advertising costs estimated at $200.00. A memo from Brenda Blanco, City Clerk, is provided along with a copy of the offer, map of the property, and tax card. (See Backup)
5. Consider Adopting a Resolution Approving the Sale of 1221 Main Street.
(Ward 1) The Board adopted a resolution on October 17, 2017 to initiate the upset bid process for 1221 Main Street after receiving an offer of $1,000.00 from Lovay Wallace Singleton. The offer represents 25% of the tax value, which is $4,000.00. The vacant lot was acquired by the City and Craven County in June 2013 through tax foreclosure.
The offer was advertised as required by law, but no other bids were received. The City will receive $340.10 from the proceeds of the sale, and the County will receive $659.90. The City will be reimbursed the cost of advertising the offer. A memo from Ms. Blanco is attached along with the Offer to Purchase, a copy of the tax card, and maps of the property. (See Backup)
6. Consider Adopting a Resolution Approving the Sale of Property on Main Street Identified as Tax Parcel ID 8-013-198.
(Ward 1) The Board adopted a resolution on October 17, 2017 to initiate the upset bid process for property on Main Street (PID 8-013-198) after receiving an offer of $1,000.00 from Lovay Wallace Singleton. The offer represents 25% of the tax value, which is $4,000.00. The vacant lot was acquired by the City and Craven County in June 2013 through tax foreclosure.
The offer was advertised as required by law, but no other bids were received. The City will receive $340.10 from the proceeds of the sale, and the County will receive $659.90. The City will be reimbursed the cost of advertising the offer. A memo from Ms. Blanco is attached along with the Offer to Purchase, a copy of the tax card, and maps of the property. (See Backup)
7. Consider Adopting a Resolution Approving an Updated Purchasing Policy.
On March 28, 2017, the Board adopted a resolution approving a Purchasing Policy. Two changes are proposed to align the policy with current state statutes. Those changes increase the City Manager’s authority from $30,000.00 to $50,000.00 under the Mini-Brooks Act for architectural, engineering or surveying contracts or Construction Manager at-risk services. A memo from J. R. Sabatelli, Director of Finance, is attached. (See Backup)
8. Appointment(s).
Carol Becton’s seat on the New Bern-Craven County Public Library Board of Trustees expired on December 1, 2017. Ms. Becton has expressed a desire to continue to serve in this capacity. You are asked to either reappoint Ms. Becton or make a new appointment. The appointee will serve a six-year term. (See Backup)
9. Miscellaneous.
This provides an opportunity for the Board to make any departing remarks to their fellow Board members, City Staff, and constituents.
10. Sine Die Adjournment.
Memo to: Mayor and Board of Aldermen
From: Mark A. Stephens, City Manager
Date: December 6, 2017
Re: December 12, 2017 Agenda Explanations – AMENDED
1. Administration of Oath of Office to Mayor.
The oath of office will be administered to the Mayor. (See Backup)
2. Administration of Oath of Office to Aldermen.
The oath of office will be administered to each Alderman. (See Backup)
3. Meeting opened by Mayor Dana E. Outlaw. Prayer Coordinated by Mayor Outlaw. Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Roll Call.
5. Comments by Board Members Followed by Brief Reception.
This is an opportunity for the Board to make initial remarks to their fellow Board members, City Staff, and constituents. At the conclusion of the comments, a motion is needed to recess for a brief reception.
6. Appointment of Mayor Pro Tempore and Administration of Oath.
The Board will appoint a Mayor Pro Tem to perform mayoral duties in the absence of the Mayor. (See Backup)
7. Request and Petition of Citizens.
This section of the Agenda is titled Requests and Petitions of Citizens. This is an opportunity for public comment, and we thank you for coming to the Board of Aldermen meeting tonight to share your views. We value all citizen input.
Speaker comments are limited to a maximum of 4 minutes during the public comment period. At the conclusion of 4 minutes, each speaker shall leave the podium. Comments will be directed to the full board, not to an individual board member or staff member. Although the board is interested in hearing your comments, speakers should not expect any comments, action or deliberation from the board on any issue raised during the public comment period.
In the board’s discretion, it may refer issues to the appropriate city officials or staff for further investigation. If an organized group is present to speak on a common issue, please designate one person to present the group’s comment, which shall be limited to a maximum of 4 minutes.
8. Presentation by New Bern Historical Society on Ghostwalk 2017.
Joe Hunt, President, and Mickey Miller, Executive Director of New Bern Historical Society, will report on the success of Ghostwalk 2017. They will also share additional information from the Historical Society. (See Backup)
9. Consider Approving the 2018 Board of Aldermen Meeting Roster.
Each year, the Board approves an annual meeting roster. The City Charter provides for regular meetings to be held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. Additionally, work sessions are held bimonthly January on the 3rd Tuesday beginning in January. Regular meetings currently begin at 7 p.m. and work sessions at 6 p.m.
The meeting dates are identified on the attached roster. Two rosters are provided: one designates regular meetings will start at 7 p.m., and the other designates regular meetings will begin at 6 p.m. The Board is asked to approve one of these rosters based on the desired meeting time. (See Backup)
10. Discussion of Potential Lease of 408 Hancock Street.
(Ward 1) Community Artist Will, Inc., a local nonprofit, has expressed a desire to lease the Old Firemen’s Museum located at 408 Hancock Street. The nonprofit sells art, offers classes, etc. The most recent terms discussed include a 5-year lease at a rate of $500.00 month with the lessee maintaining the interior of the building and the City maintaining the exterior and HVAC system. It has also been suggested a public component be included that would provide for the nonprofit to work with Craven Arts Council to promote and educate the arts to school-age children, provide programming and space for the City’s Parks and Recreation summer youth program, and promote the building as a community arts center.
NC General Statute §160A-272 requires a 30-day notice be provided on any leases for a term greater than one year. If the Board is amenable to the lease, a notice can be published and approval of the lease considered at the January 23, 2018 meeting. A memo from Krissy Culler, Assistant City Manager, is attached. (See Backup)
11. Consider Adopting a Resolution Approving a Modification Agreement with Green Park Terrace, LLC.
(Ward 2) Green Park Terrace, LLC (known as Autumn Chase Apartments since 1998) is a 34-unit apartment complex that provides affordable housing for senior citizens. On November 7, 1996, Green Park executed a Construction and Permanent Loan Promissory Note payable to the City of New Bern in the amount of $100,000. On June 30, 1997, Green Park executed an additional Construction and Permanent Loan Promissory Note payable to the City of New Bern in the amount of $30,000. Both notes were secured by Deeds of Trust and provided for balloon payments of the outstanding principal and any accrued, unpaid interest on November 7, 2017. The balloon payments have not been made, and Green Park has requested an extension of time until December 31, 2018 to make these payments. Green Park has indicated an extension will enable them to work toward consolidating debt, refinancing and redeveloping the property. Attached for your review is a copy of the latest correspondence requesting this extension. (See Backup)
12. Consider Adopting a Resolution in Support of the Equal Rights Amendment.
An Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution was proposed in 1972. To add the amendment to the constitution, ratification was needed by 38 states prior to 1982. The proposed resolution calls on NC to ratify the ERA amendment and for Congress to remove the time limit for ratification and pass the ERA upon the affirmative vote of 38 states. (See Backup)
13. Consider Adopting a Resolution to Proceed with an Application for the NC Governor’s Highway Safety Project Grant for BikeSafe NC Program.
The Police Department has applied for a grant from the NC Governor’s Highway Safety Program and has been approved for a $5,000.00 grant from the 2017/2018 BikeSafe NC Program for traffic safety. The funds will be used to procure equipment, obtain training related to the BikeSafe NC Program, and pay for travel expenses. The Board is asked to authorize staff to proceed with the next step in the grant application. A memo from Chief Toussaint Summers is attached. (See Backup)
14. Consider Adopting a Resolution Approving Revisions to the Water and Sewer Design Standards.
The City of New Bern Water and Design Standards provide a comprehensive guideline for developers, builders, and engineers who desire to extend, connect to, or otherwise alter the City’s existing water and/or sewer infrastructure. The design standards were originally issued in 2007. As state regulations, construction practices, and material standards evolve over time, this document has been evaluated and revised to keep current and consistent with the changes. The latest revision was in January 2015.
Staff has recently reviewed the standards and found several minor technical and grammatical changes that need to be made. A group of stakeholders consisting of developers, home builders, utility contractors, and engineers reviewed the draft changes and provided feedback, which was incorporated in to the final draft of revisions. A memo from Jordan Hughes, City Engineer, is attached along with a red-lined version of the document that reflects the changes being made. (See Backup) (Red-Lined Version 1,2,3)
15. Appointment(s).
The Board of Aldermen makes an annual appointment to the Eastern Carolina Council. The Council has requested an appointment be made for 2018. (See Backup)
16. Attorney’s Report.
17. City Manager’s Report.
18. New Business.
19. Closed Session.
20. Adjourn.
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