1. To the contrary of Alderman Odham, I think things are going the way they SHOULD go!
    Go, Sabrina, Go!

  2. I was an employee for the city of new bern for twenty seven years, and in all that time,the politics only got worse, when will thear be a change, this thing with putting a name back on a peice of Fire apparatuses is mynute, move the hell on to important business that will help this city grow, stop acting on personal views and get back to what is important, the city and thear residents

  3. Perhaps you and I attended different meetings as there were a number of very newsworthy issues at the meeting.
    If you are going to report the news instead of the palm that the local rag regurgitate then please do a better job.
    You might report about the public access, or lack of it, to a public meeting. The failure of the City to make their meeting space ADA compliant, and the passage of a resolution supporting the Equal Rights Amendment. The naming, or renaming of a Fire Truck is of little or no consequence to anyone, especially the fire truck.

    1. Author

      Were you the one who spoke during the public comment part? The one who brought up the issue of handicapped access that I have covered numerous times over the past nine years? Just checking.
      I guess you didn’t see my ERA story, which I posted yesterday morning. I posted the fire truck story late Tuesday night. In fact I came home with a notebook full of stories and I plan to get to them as I have time. In case you haven’t explored my site to find out more about me, I’ll update you: This is a hobby, a part-time thing intended to fill the gaps left by other local media, which were there in force on Tuesday but usually aren’t there at all. I don’t get paid for this.
      The handicapped issue is definitely important; I’ve been on it for a long time. There was also the issue of the lease of the old Firemen’s Museum, the defaulting senior apartment complex, outgoing and incoming comments from the aldermen, the intrigue of the new mix of aldermen and the mayor, and other items … I was at the meeting for those, too.
      But my son is visiting this week and I have a full-time day job, so those have been competing for my attention and, right now, are more important. I’ll get to them as I have time, and I hope you’ll come back and read them when I do.

  4. I apologize. I did miss the first story and I am not sure why. I thank you for that coverage and not having been here for 9 years have not seen your coverage. As a retired attorney (not NC) who has dealt with ADA enforcement actions in the past, what New Bern has done, or not done, appears to be a willful and intentional disregard for both federal law and the disabled citizens who work, reside, or visit here.

    1. Author

      The issue has been with the historic nature of the building. The city has imposed workarounds and, based on those, has secured exemptions.

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