Sometime soon, when you call 911 in New Bern for an ambulance, the 911 dispatcher may ask a lot of questions that, in the heat of the moment, may seem beside the point.
But the questions 911 dispatchers ask, and the answers they get in return, will save lives.
New Bern’s 911 dispatchers are rolling out a system called “Emergency Medical Dispatch.” The system is a combination of software and training that allow 911 dispatchers to ask medically pertinent questions and then give medical advice about how to save that person’s life.
The program was hatched in New Bern earlier this year, and in October the first phase of implementation began: software installation and training.
Expect to see a PR blitz including brochures and a video explaining the system.
Said Dr. Stanley Koontz, Emergency Medical Services coordinator for Craven and surrounding counties, “We’re trying to make our city safer. I think we can save some lives. This is a good first step.”
Craven County 911 dispatchers have already been using the Emergency Medical Dispatch system for some time, said Koontz.
If you find yourself in one of those situations, don’t worry that the EMTs and ambulance will be delayed while you are answering questions and delivering first aid. The dispatchers will have already taken care of those details simultaneously.