The New Bern Post staked out its territory early: I cover local government and policy. That leaves huge gaps all over the place, but there’s no point reinventing the wheel when there are great websites like New Bern Now providing comprehensive news and information about other useful, interesting and important things in our community.
With permission from Wendy Card, founder of New Bern Now, I have added an RSS feed to newbernpost.com highlighting the most recent examples of New Bern Now’s great community coverage.
The feed is located in the top right side of newbernpost.com web pages,
We met over coffee at Bee Bops and agreed with a handshake. No corporate confabs or conference calls, no meetings with corporate lawyers, no stewing over “best practices.”
We just decided it would be a good thing for the community, and shook on it.
That’s just how we roll.