Free Income Tax Return Preparation Free income tax return preparation is being offered by the IRS sponsored Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program in Craven and Pamlico counties.
This free tax service is being offered for low to moderate income and elderly taxpayers at the Harrison Community Center, 311 Middle St., New Bern on Mondays and Tuesdays, Feb. 5 through April 16 plus Feb. 22 and April 12 and 13. (Not open February 13 and 19 and April 2 and 3)
In Pamlico, free tax service will be offered at the Pamlico County Senior Citizens Center, 800 Main St. in Alliance on Wednesdays, Feb. 7 through April 11.
Both sites will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free income tax returns will be prepared by IRS certified volunteers. For more information call 252-772-5245 or email:
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