Board of Aldermen
7 p.m. Tuesday, November 14, 2017

City Hall, corner of Pollock and Craven streets


1.  Meeting opened by Mayor Dana E. Outlaw.  Prayer Coordinated by Alderman Odham.   Pledge of Allegiance.
2.  Roll Call.
3.  Request and Petition of Citizens.
This section of the Agenda is titled Requests and Petitions of Citizens.  This is an opportunity for public comment, and we thank you for coming to the Board of Aldermen meeting tonight to share your views.  We value all citizen input.
Speaker comments are limited to a maximum of 4 minutes during the public comment period.  At the conclusion of 4 minutes, each speaker shall leave the podium.  Comments will be directed to the full board, not to an individual board member or staff member.  Although the board is interested in hearing your comments, speakers should not expect any comments, action or deliberation from the board on any issue raised during the public comment period.
In the board’s discretion, it may refer issues to the appropriate city officials or staff for further investigation.  If an organized group is present to speak on a common issue, please designate one person to present the group’s comment, which shall be limited to a maximum of 4 minutes.

Consent Agenda

4. Consider Approving a Proclamation for Red Ribbon Week.
On behalf of the New Bern Young Marines, Angel Golding-Fort has requested a proclamation recognizing Red Ribbon Week. (See Backup)
5.  Consider Approving a Proclamation for Hospice Palliative Care Month.
Thomas Smith, Director of Craven County Hospice, has requested a proclamation for National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, which is observed in November. (See Backup)
6.  Consider Approving a Proclamation for Justice Michael Morgan Day.
Dorothea White, Chairman of the Craven County Democratic Party, has requested a proclamation declaring November 4, 2017 as Justice Michael Morgan Day in New Bern. (See Backup)
7.  Consider Approving a Proclamation for National American Indian Heritage Month.
On behalf of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Paula Quinn has requested a proclamation recognizing November as National American Indian Heritage Month. (See Backup)
8.  Consider Approving a Proclamation for Reentry Week.
Greg Singleton, Chairman of the Craven-Pamlico Re-Entry Board of Directors, has requested a proclamation recognizing April as Reentry Week in New Bern. (See Backup)
9.  Consider Adopting a Resolution to Close Specific Streets on January 27, 2018 for the Sudan Shriners Winter Ceremonial Parade.
(Ward 1) Sharon Evans, Office Manager for the Sudan Shriners, has requested street closures for the Shriner’s annual Winter Ceremonial Parade on Saturday, January 27, 2018.  The streets to be closed are the 400-800 blocks of George Street, 400-600 blocks of Broad Street, 200-300 blocks of Middle Street and 300 block of South Front Street.  These streets will be closed from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., and the south side of Broad Street will be closed to parking from 12 a.m. until the parade concludes.  A memo is attached from Matt Montanye, Interim Director of Parks & Recreation, along with a copy of the pre-event questionnaire. (See Backup)
10.  Consider Adopting a Resolution to Close the 300 Block of Pollock Street on December 21, 2017 for the Christ Episcopal Church Community Christmas Caroling Event.
(Ward 1) John Haroldson with Christ Episcopal Church has requested the 300 block of Pollock Street be closed on December 21, 2017 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. for the church’s annual Christmas caroling event.  A memo from Mr. Montanye is attached. (See Backup)
11. Consider Adopting a Resolution to Close Specific Streets on December 9th and 16th, 2017 for the Tryon Palace Candlelight Christmas Celebration.
(Ward 1) Rebekah Hornek, Special Events Assistant for Tryon Palace, has requested the 600 block of Pollock Street and 300 block of George Street be closed from 2:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on December 9th and 16th for the annual Tryon Palace Candlelight Festival.  Ms. Hornek has also requested Palace Point Commons and the adjacent portion of South Front Street be closed on the same dates from 9:15 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. for fireworks.  A memo from Mr. Montanye and the pre-event questionnaire are attached. (See Backup)
12. Consider Adopting a Resolution to Close the 300 Block of Princess Street on November 18, 2017 for the Grand Opening of the Habitat for Humanity ReStore.
(Ward 1) Evelyn Richards, Manager of Habitat’s Restore, has requested the 300 block of Princess Street be closed to vehicular traffic on November 18, 2017 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. to accommodate the store’s grand opening.  A memo from Mr. Montanye and the pre-event questionnaire are attached. (See Backup)
13. Approve Minutes.
Minutes from the October 24, 2017 regular meeting are attached for review and approval.

Regular Agenda

14. Presentation on Wreaths Across America at the New Bern National Cemetery.
(Ward 5) Wreaths Across America is a mission to remember, honor and teach by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery and over 1,200 locations across the US, at sea, and abroad.  Ken Dimpsey will provide information with respect to laying of wreaths at New Bern National Cemetery. (See Backup)
15. Presentation on Emergency Medical Dispatch.
After discussing the benefits of Emergency Medical Dispatch (“EMD”) at the Board retreat in February, a plan was developed to purchase EMD software and train New Bern’s telecommunicators to provide pre-arrival medical instructions to 911 callers, as well as post-dispatch instructors.  Funds from the NC 911 Board were utilized to pay for the software and training.  The first phase of EMD has been implemented.  A video and brochure have been created for the purpose of educating citizens about EMD and what to expect when they call 911.  The Police Department will share the video and answer any questions.  A memo from Chief Summers is attached. (See Backup)
16. Consider Adopting a Resolution Approving an Agreement with NC Railroad Company Extending the License Agreement for the Union Station Train Depot.
(Ward 1) The City previously entered into a 5-year license agreement with NC Railroad Company for the purpose of rehabilitating the Union Station Train Depot. That extension was subsequently extended for 10 months, which expired on October 31, 2017.  New Bern Preservation Foundation assumed the project and funding for the work.  NC Railroad and Norfolk Southern Railway have agreed to an additional extension through July 1, 2021, to allow for the project to be completed, and the Board is asked to consider approving this extension. (See Backup)
17. Consider Adopting a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Contracts for Work on Union Station Train Depot.
(Ward 1) This coincides with the previous item.  Bids were sought for Phase II of the train depot project, and Primus Contracting submitted the lowest bid at $205,938.00.  The proposed resolution authorizes the City Manager to execute a contract with Primus, along with any change orders within the budgeted amount.  As a reminder, the project is funded by the New Bern Preservation Foundation and their fundraising efforts.  A memo from Mr. Montanye, Director of Public Works, is attached. (See Backup)
18. Consider Adopting a Resolution Approving an Agreement for Donation of Real Property from Martin Marietta.
(Ward 5) As announced in September, Martin Marietta has agreed to donate 55 acres of property at the quarry site off Glenburnie Road for the purpose of the City developing a park and outdoor amphitheater.  The agreement includes the following provisions:  the park shall be known as “Martin Marietta Park” and the name of the amphitheater shall include the phrase “at Martin Marietta Park”; Martin Marietta will receive eight complimentary VIP tickets and associated parking passes to all events; and to the extent allowed by law, the development and construction of the property will include the exclusive use of Martin Marietta aggregate products.  Further, should the City decide to sell the property within 50 years from the date of donation, Martin Marietta will have first option to purchase the property at the sum of $1.  Since the announcement of this donation, the City has received enthusiastic feedback from the community with respect to the donation and plans for a park and amphitheater. (See Backup)
19. Consider Adopting a Budget Ordinance to Establish the Martin Marietta Park Project Fund.
(Ward 5) This budget ordinance will establish a project fund for the Martin Marietta Park.  Initial funding in the amount of $50,000 will be attained through a transfer from the General Fund.  Funds will be utilized to update the Parks & Recreation Master Plan to include the design and plan of the new park.  A memo from J. R. Sabatelli, Director of Finance, is attached. (See Backup)
20. Consider Adopting a Budget Ordinance Amendment for the FY2017-18 General Fund and Grants Fund Operating Budget.
This budget ordinance amendment provides for the transfer of $50,000.00 from the General Fund to the Martin Marietta Project Fund.  It also provides $9,952.00 in matching funds for the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant, which will be achieved by reducing the Police Department’s uniform line.  And lastly, the amendment recognizes a grant award of $16,904.00 from the NC Department of Public Safety, for which no matching funds are required.  This grant award will be used to purchase protective equipment, uniforms, and boots.  A memo from Mr. Sabatelli is attached. (See Backup)
21. Consider Adopting a Resolution Approving the Sale of 214 Lawson Street.
(Ward 1) On September 26, 2017, the Board adopted a resolution initiating the upset bid process for 214 Lawson Street after receiving an offer of $1,125.00 from Mack Investments, LLC.  The bid was duly advertised as required by law, but no additional bids were received.  The offer represents 25% of the tax value, which is $4,500.00.  This property is a vacant lot that was acquired by the City and Craven County in August 2016 through tax foreclosure.  At the time of foreclosure, taxes were due in the amount of $141.64 to the County and $112.51 to the City.  The County incurred $3,168.57 in foreclosure costs.  If approved, the City will not receive any proceeds from the sale, but will be reimbursed the cost of advertising the offer.  A memo from Brenda Blanco, City Clerk, is attached. (See Backup)
22. Consider Adopting an Ordinance for the Demolition of 1212 Mechanic Street.
(Ward 5) The structure located at 1212 Mechanic Street is a single-family structure built in 1945.  Owners were first notified of a minimum housing violation in May 2010, and staff has met with the owner numerous times since then and issued multiple extensions for the work to be completed.  A letter was mailed to the owner in January 2017 regarding the continued noncompliance and notifying them an order for demolition would be forthcoming.  Work has yet to be initiated, and the structure continues to deteriorate due to severe water damage.  A memo from Jeff Ruggieri, Director of Development Services, is attached along with a complete list of chronological events. (See Backup)
23. Consider Adopting an Ordinance to Amend the Definitions of Section 66-85 of Chapter 66 “Streets, Sidewalks and Other Public Places” Regarding City-Sponsored Events.
Each year, the City assists Beary Merry Christmas by decorating Bear Plaza, setting up Santa’s House, and installing the artificial Christmas tree at the circle on Broad Street.  The event has grown in recent years to include a sledding activity that is enjoyed by citizens of all ages.  Additionally, the growth of the event has created a regional draw to New Bern, further increasing the taxable benefits to the City. On another note, discussions have recently been held and preliminary plans made for the City to host a New Year’s Eve event.  It is anticipated this event will be an ongoing, annual occurrence. It is proposed that both Beary Merry Christmas and the New Year’s Eve celebrations be added to the list of city-sponsored events. (See Backup)
24. Appointment(s).
25. Attorney’s Report.
26. City Manager’s Report.
27. New Business.
28. Closed Session.
29. Adjourn.

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