On Tuesday, January 30 at 9 a.m., the staff and students of J.T. Barber Elementary will honor and celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by participating in an Annual Silent March for Peace down the halls of the school and around the campus while listening to Dr. King’s awe inspiring “I Have a Dream Speech” over the school’s intercom.
Participants will walk in silence out of respect and in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King’s vision of strength through silence and peacefulness. As students are walking throughout the campus they will reflect on the gifts, actions, and acts of kindness they can make in order for our world to become a better more comforting and supportive place.
They will create posters of their dreams, endeavors and wishes for a Peaceful Future to carry with them as they participate in the Silent March for Peace.
Join the school for this moving tribute and reflection in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.