MARCH 13, 2018 – 6:00 P.M.
1. Meeting opened by Mayor Dana E. Outlaw. Prayer Coordinated by Alderman Aster. Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Roll Call.
3. Request and Petition of Citizens.
This section of the Agenda is titled Requests and Petitions of Citizens. This is an opportunity for public comment, and we thank you for coming to the Board of Aldermen meeting tonight to share your views. We value all citizen input.
Speaker comments are limited to a maximum of 4 minutes during the public comment period. At the conclusion of 4 minutes, each speaker shall leave the podium. Comments will be directed to the full board, not to an individual board member or staff member. Although the board is interested in hearing your comments, speakers should not expect any comments, action or deliberation from the board on any issue raised during the public comment period.
In the board’s discretion, it may refer issues to the appropriate city officials or staff for further investigation. If an organized group is present to speak on a common issue, please designate one person to present the group’s comment, which shall be limited to a maximum of 4 minutes.
Consent Agenda
4. Consider Approving a Proclamation for Juneteenth.
As one of the collaborators planning a Juneteenth Celebration for New Bern, Alderman Harris has requested a proclamation recognizing Juneteenth. Information about the planned celebratory events will be available in the near future. (See Backup)
5. Consider Approving a Proclamation for the 25th Anniversary of the New Bern Chapter of Continental Societies, Inc.
Phyllis Robinson has requested a proclamation in honor of the 25th anniversary of New Bern’s Chapter of Continental Societies, Inc. The organization is a public service group that assists underprivileged children and youth. The local chapter was inducted into the national organization on February 20, 1993. (See Backup)
6. Consider Approving a Proclamation for Human Trafficking Awareness Week.
Sarah Tellis has requested a proclamation acknowledging the week of April 8-14, 2018 as Human Trafficking Awareness Week. A conference will be held during the week of April 8th to address this importance issue. (See Backup)
7. Approve Minutes.
Minutes from the February 13, 2018 and February 27, 2018 regular meetings and the February 16, 2018 work session are provided for review and approval.
8. Presentation of Longevity Certificates.
Employment service is recognized at five-year increments. A roster is enclosed of all employees who are eligible to receive a service certificate for the period of July to December 2017. Some of these employees will be present at the meeting, and certificates will be on hand for the Mayor to present. Sonya Hayes, Director of Human Resources, will be available to assist with the presentation. (See Backup)
9. Conduct a Public Hearing, Consider Adopting a Statement of Zoning Consistency, and Consider Adopting an Ordinance to Initially Zone Property Located at the Intersection of Waterscape Way and West Thurman Road Identified as Tax Parcel 7-104-12002.
(Ward 3) Kip Peregoy of Carolina Colours Association has submitted a request to have an approximately 1.77-acre of land zoned C-3 Commercial. The parcel is located at the intersection of W. Thurman Road and Waterscape Way and is further identified as Tax Parcel ID 7-104-12002. This is an initial zoning request which requires a public hearing pursuant to state statute and local ordinance.
The C-3 commercial district is established as a district for offices, personal services, and the retailing of durable and convenience goods. Staff has reviewed the request and finds the initial zoning consistent with the Land Use Plan, Transportation Plan, and nearby land uses and, therefore, recommends approval of the request. Additionally, the Planning and Zoning Board considered the request at its February 7, 2018 meeting and voted unanimously to approve the request. A memo from Morgan Potts, City Planner, is attached along with a map of the subject property and an excerpt of minutes from the Planning and Zoning Board’s recent meeting. (See Backup)
10. Conduct a Public Hearing, Consider Adopting a Statement of Zoning Consistency, and Consider Adopting an Ordinance to Rezone Property Located Near the Intersection of Waterscape Way and West Thurman Road Identified as Tax Parcels 7-104-9004 and 7-104-10006 from R-8 Residential to C-3 Commercial.
(Ward 3) Kip Peregoy of Carolina Colours Association has also submitted a request to rezone two parcels of land from R-8 Single Family Residential to C-3 Commercial District. The parcels consist of approximately 3.86 acres of land and are located near the intersection of Waterscape Way and W. Thurman Road. They are identified as Tax Parcel IDs 7-104-9004 and 7-104-10006. State statute and local ordinance require the Board to hold a public hearing to receive comments on the requested rezoning.
The C-3 commercial district is established as a district for offices, personal services, and the retailing of durable and convenience goods. Staff has reviewed the request and finds the initial zoning consistent with the Land Use Plan, Transportation Plan, and nearby land uses and, therefore, recommends approval of the request. Additionally, the Planning and Zoning Board considered the request at its February 7, 2018 meeting and voted unanimously to approve the request. A memo from Mrs. Potts is attached along with a map of the subject property and an excerpt of minutes from the Planning and Zoning Board’s recent meeting. (See Backup)
11. Consider Adopting a Resolution Approving an Agreement with NC Department of Transportation for Old Airport Road.
(Ward 3) The City has been working on a plan to improve the condition and safety of three main roadway arteries, one of which is Old Airport Road between Taberna Circle and County Line Road. Because Old Airport Road is mostly owned and maintained by NCDOT, staff has been working with DOT to iron out a possible agreement whereby the City would assume ownership and/or maintenance of several sections of the road in return for DOT contributing funds toward the maintenance of the project. One of the concerns with Old Airport Road was its width and ability of vehicles to safely meet, especially larger vehicles such as school buses. Other than resurfacing the road, DOT had no plan to widen or otherwise improve the road.
An agreement has been reached, the terms of which are as follows:
- The City will assume ownership and maintenance of a 1.51-mile stretch of roadway and a bridge located at the connection point of SR-1111 and SR-1997 near Evans Mill Subdivision, which is identified as Bridge #10;
- The City will assume maintenance of an additional 0.51-mile stretch of roadway;
- The City will widen and resurface Old Airport Road (SR-1111 and SR-1997) within 24 months of the agreement;
- NCDOT will abandon from the state road system all sections of Old Airport Road within the municipal city limits of New Bern, including Bridge #10;
- NCDOT will pay the City $687,000 for widening, resurfacing, and pavement repairs once the abandoned sections of road have been accepted by the City; and
- Either party may terminate this agreement with consent of the other party prior to the transfer of funds.
A memo from Matt Montanye, Director of Public Works, is attached along with a map of Old Airport Road and the proposed agreement. (See Backup)
12. Consider Adopting a Resolution in Support of a Speed Limit Change in the Pleasant Hill Community.
(Ward 5) Alderman Best announced at the Board’s last meeting that residents of Pleasant Hill have signed a petition seeking a reduction of the speed limit along Highway 55W from the Highway 43 Connector to Beaman’s Fork. The current speed limit ranges from 45 to 55 mph. This area is a moderately-populated residential area that also includes a daycare center and a city-owned park with a playground (Pleasant Hill Park). The current speed limits raise safety concerns for the residents, children, and pedestrians.
Additionally, the residents have expressed a desire for NCDOT to consider resurfacing the area of Highway 55W from the NC 43 Connector to the end of the city limits, which is in the vicinity of Clarks. It is the residents’ recollection that this area of roadway has not been resurfaced in at least 25 years. The proposed resolution signifies the City’s support of both these requests. If adopted, the resolution will be forwarded to NCDOT and the MPO. (See Backup)
13. Consider Adopting an Ordinance to Amend the FY2017-18 General Fund and MSD Fund Budgets.
At its last meeting, the Board adopted an ordinance amendment to implement changes in downtown parking. As a result of those changes, the proposed budget amendment appropriates $39,100 for the parking enforcement program. These funds will be used specifically for part-time parking enforcement officers, uniforms, software to manage the parking citations, and a vehicle to be utilized by parking enforcement. Funding will be provided through a transfer of $34,000 from the Municipal Service District (“MSD”) and $5,100 from the General Fund. Memos from Police Chief Toussaint Summers and J.R. Sabatelli, Director of Finance, are attached. (See Backup)
14. Consider Adopting an Ordinance Amending the Schedule of Fees and Charges.
Also at its last meeting, the Board adopted a resolution placing the structure at 408 Hancock Street under the purview of Parks and Recreation as a multipurpose art center. The Schedule of Fees and Charges, which was last updated and adopted on May 23, 2017, will be amended to include the fees associated with the operation of this center. Additionally, Parks and Recreation and Development Services have identified some other fees that need to be adjusted. All of the proposed changes are identified on the attached “redline” version of the schedule. A brief memo from Mr. Sabatelli is attached. (See Backup)
15. Appointment(s).
Peggy Broadway’s term on the Appearance Commission expired on March 1, 2018. Appointments are made on a rotating basis, and Alderman Odham is asked to fill this seat. Pursuant to the ordinance, appointees shall be residents of the City’s planning and zoning jurisdiction and shall, when possible, have had special training or experience in a design field such as architecture, landscape design, horticulture, city planning, or a closely-related field. Members of the Appearance Commission serve a three-year term. The commission currently holds its meetings at 6 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month at Parks and Recreation’s administrative offices. (See Backup)
16. Attorney’s Report.
17. City Manager’s Report.
18. New Business.
19. Closed Session.
20. Adjourn.