(Note: Links for documentation expire when the next agenda is posted)
MARCH 27, 2018 – 6:00 P.M.
1. Meeting opened by Mayor Dana E. Outlaw.  Prayer Coordinated by Alderman Aster.  Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Roll Call.
Consent Agenda.
3. Consider Adopting a Resolution to Close Specific Streets on April 21, 2018 for United Worship Center’s Community Day.
(Ward 1) Walter Linsey, an elder with United Worship Center, has requested the 800 block of West Street and 900 block of Main Street be closed to vehicular traffic from 12 noon until 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 21, 2018.  The Center will be holding its annual Community Day, which is a time of gathering for food, games and entertainment.  A memo from Foster Hughes, Director of Parks and Recreation, is attached along with a map of the area, the pre-event questionnaire, and a petition of consent from those who reside in the 800 block of West Street. (See Backup)
4. Consider Adopting a Resolution to Close Specific Streets on May 17, 2018 for the New Bern Police Department’s Law Enforcement Memorial Ceremony.
(Ward 1) Lt. Jason Williams with the New Bern Police Department has requested the 600-700 blocks of Queen Street and 500-600 blocks of George Street be closed to vehicular traffic on May 17, 2018 from 8 a.m. until 12 noon for the department’s Law Enforcement Memorial Ceremony.  A memo from Mr. Hughes is attached along with a map of the area and a pre-event questionnaire. (See Backup)
5. Consider Adopting a Resolution Calling for a Public Hearing to Rezone 107 and 109 Beech Street from R-6S Residential and I-1 Industrial Districts to C-3 Commercial District.
(Ward 5) Michael Stephens, the owner of 107 and 109 Beech Street, has requested to have the property rezoned from R-6S Residential and I-1 Industrial to C-3 Commercial District.  The property is located near the corner of Beech Street and Oaks Road and consists of approximately 1.14 acres.  The Planning and Zoning Board unanimously approved the request at its March 6, 2018 meeting. State statute and local ordinance require the Governing Board to hold a public hearing to receive comments on the requested rezoning.  The proposed resolution calls for the hearing to be held on April 10, 2018.  A memo from Bradleigh Sceviour, Planner II, is attached along with a map of the subject property. (See Backup)
6. Consider Adopting a Resolution Calling for a Public Hearing to Rezone 1225 S. Glenburnie Road from R-6 Residential and C-4 Neighborhood Business District to C-3 Commercial District.
(Ward 4) The City of New Bern owns property located at 1225 S. Glenburnie Road and has requested to have the property rezoned from R-6S Residential and I-1 Industrial to C-3 Commercial District.  The property is located near the corner of Neuse Boulevard and S. Glenburnie Road and consists of approximately 4.77 acres.  This is the subject property for the proposed relocation of the City Garage.  The Planning and Zoning Board unanimously approved the request at its March 6, 2018 meeting.  State statute and local ordinance require the Governing Board to hold a public hearing to receive comments on the requested rezoning.  The proposed resolution calls for the hearing to be held on April 10, 2018.  A memo from Mr. Sceviour is attached along with a map of the subject property. (See Backup)
7. Consider Adopting a Resolution Calling for a Public Hearing to Amend Article XXII, Section 15-463 “Design Guidelines and Performance Standards – Trent Road Corridor” of the Land Use Ordinance.
On March 6, 2018, staff presented to the Planning and Zoning (“P&Z”) Board proposed changes to the Land Use Ordinance with respect to the design guidelines and performance standards for the Trent Road corridor.  At that time, P&Z voted unanimously to approve the changes.  The next step is for the Board of Aldermen to conduct a public hearing on April 10, 2018 for it to also consider approval of the changes.  A memo from Mr. Sceviour is attached along with copies of the proposed ordinance changes and a redlined version to easily identify those changes. (See Backup)
8. Consider Adopting a Resolution to Call for a Public Hearing on the System Development Fee Analysis.
In July 2017, the NC General Assembly passed House Bill 436 amending Chapter 162A of the General Statutes by adding “Article 8, System Development Fees”.  This new article intends to provide for uniform authority with respect to implementing system development fees for public water and sewer systems, as well as clarify the applicable statute of limitations.  The amendment requires a written analysis be performed to calculate the system development fee based upon prescriptive criteria.  In response to this requirement, the City employed Rivers & Associates, Inc. to perform a professional analysis.  Prior to considering adoption of the analysis, House Bill 436 requires the local government post the analysis on its webpage for public review and comment for a minimum of 45 days.  This period has been completed and no written comments were received.  The City is now required to hold a public hearing prior to considering adoption of the analysis.  The public hearing will be called for April 10, 2018.  A memo from Jordan Hughes, City Engineer, is attached. (See Backup)
9. Approve Minutes.
Minutes from the March 13, 2018 regular meeting and March 19, 2018 work session are attached for review and approval.
10. Presentation and Discussion of Neuse Boulevard Site and Relocation of City Garage.
(Ward 4) As you are aware, the Water Resources Division will be relocating from its current site on Neuse Boulevard to a new facility on Highway 55.  In September 2016, as part of a presentation seeking direction regarding the Water Resources facility, the Board was presented with options for the division’s current site.  One of the options included relocating the City Garage to the Neuse Boulevard property.  This presentation will present that plan so the current Board is fully informed and can offer direction. (See Backup)
11. Consider Adopting a Budget Ordinance Amendment for the FY2017-18 General Fund.
(Ward 1) On November 14, 2017, an ordinance was adopted amending the list of City-Sponsored events to include a New Year’s Eve Celebration.  This will be a family-friendly event that includes a kids’ zone, DJ and live entertainment.  In order to begin preparations for this event, entertainment needs to be booked and general supplies purchased.  Sponsorships will be sought to offset the cost of the event, but a budget amendment for $16,500 is sought to begin planning the event.  Memos from Foster Hughes, Director of Parks and Recreation, and J. R. Sabatelli, Director of Finance, are attached. (See Backup)
12. Appointment(s).
13. Attorney’s Report.
14. City Manager’s Report.
15. New Business.
16. Closed Session.
17. Adjourn.

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